Zahara Corporate Fitness Challenge to Promote Wellness in the Community

By: The Zahara Group | Last Updated: Sun, 11 Jun 2023

We at the Zahara Group believe that healthy people are happy people. Therefore we encourage our employees to be active and to stay active no matter the circumstances. We even dared to challenge them to test their fitness against their will to contribute to a cause, and we celebrated the excellent results by donating for a significant cause.

In today's world no one can ignore the importance of staying healthy, and keeping that in mind the same, we at The Zahara Group launched a corporate wellness initiative where we introduced our fitness challenge, a competitive running event for corporate participants, which brings together fitness-minded individuals to promote physical fitness amongst professionals while contributing to a social cause.
As part of our 50th Anniversary Celebrations and our commitment to employees’ health and wellbeing the Challenge involved a target to run over 50km within thirty days and a number of our employees participated in the fitness challenge that ran this year between 15th September to 14th November 2022.

Needless to mention, the set target was a very minimum distance for a period of 30 days, as the average distance works out to only 1.7 km per day.

Further for each participant who ran the challenge the company would contribute RO 10 to a charity organization. The top three finishers of the event will be felicitated at a company event for their achievements. The Zahara Group has partnered with the ‘Association of Early Intervention for Children with Disability’ for the Challenge and will contribute RO 150 to the organisation.

Wellness has been a key focus area for The Zahara Group’s corporate social responsibility programs. Through internal initiatives and involving ourself with a number of running and fitness events, we have been engaging with our employees and communities across Oman to promote fitness. Through this Corporate Fitness Challenge, we seek to encourage working professionals in the Zahara Group to take up running and stay fit. The intention was to motivate and inculcate the fitness habit amongst our colleagues, as part of our Golden Jubilee Celebrations. We accordingly urge all our colleagues to keep continuing the same activity and make it a way of your healthy life.

 The response to this fitness challenge was overwhelming. All the participants did their best to show the world how we keep ourselves fit during these testing times and meet the challenge target.

The results are finally in! Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Fitness Challenge. It was great to see so many fitness enthusiasts amongst us. 15 of our colleagues have achieved the set target of 50KMs in a month’s time. Well done Team!
Below are the top 3 winners across Oman in order of most kilometers run:

o Prasad 389 KMs [Accounts Dept]
o Naveen 329 KMs [E-Commerce Dept]
o Jagdish 265 KMs [ANRS]

Congratulations Prasad, Naveen and Jagdish for this outstanding accomplishment!!!
We are aware that most of our teammates are focusing on their own fitness activity on a regular basis. We urge others, who are yet to start some fitness activity, to get into the habit of any such fitness program [yoga, walk, run, Zumba, gym, swim, cricket, football, etc] and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

About The Zahara Group Corporate Fitness Challenge’s Charity Partner
The Association of Early Intervention is a non-profit charitable organization established on May 29, 2000. It depends on donations from the private sector, individuals, schools, government, charity boxes, and families of the children it supports to run its operations. The association is aimed at children with disabilities from birth until the age of nine, and it covers their rehabilitation, social and psychological needs, and daily life skills and training with the aim of enrolling children in regular schools if possible or developing their skills and helping them adapt to their disabilities in various fields. This is to ensure a better quality of life for them and their families and to integrate them into society. Association Early Intervention is the only association in the Sultanate of Oman that provides services to children with disabilities from birth.


The 2022 fitness challenge was a great hit! A big round of applause for all our health warriors who took out time and actively participated in the fitness challenge. We are extremely proud to have such fitness enthusiasts in our organisation. We look forward to the active participation of more colleagues in such future events. Stay healthy, stay fit!