Zahara employees Run Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2022

By: Zahara Group | Last Updated: Sun, 18 Jun 2023

In November 2022, a number of Zahara Group employees ran the Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2022 in support of the Environment Society of Oman (ESO), and the Oman Diabetes Association (ODA).
Participation in The Muscat Marathon has become an annual CSR activity for The Zahara Group. A number of our staff have demonstrated great enthusiasm towards participation in this marathon from the year of our first involvement in 2018 and were eagerly awaiting its next edition. After a year of hiatus, Muscat Marathon was rescheduled for the 11th and 12th of November 2022. This has been the fourth consecutive year Zahara staff members have been actively participating in this mega sporting event of the Sultanate of Oman.

When the internal announcement was made that the Zahara Group was entering a team to support our corporate social responsibility initiatives, and sponsoring the registration charges for all the Zahara runners, we were delighted to see strong participation by our employees in the event. We believe that thinking about the contribution we would make to communities while moving towards promoting fitness in the organization really motivated our team.


We’ve always believed that sport brings people together and this was definitely the case during the Al Mouj Muscat marathon. Our team came from different parts of the business – from front-line workers to Head Office management. But on that day we were all the same – when you’re chasing the finish line and sweating buckets, each individual is no different than any other.

Practice sessions commenced close to two months before the event in early September 2022 under the coaching and guidance of one of our very own, a Full Marathon Champion, and expert runner Mr Prasad. Participants made the best out of the weekly coaching sessions by regularly attending and taking into consideration the tips shared by Coach Prasad. They were also practising on their own during other days. This way, running became a routine affair and a way of life for many of our staff members of the company.

The entire philosophy of our CSR program isn’t just about giving money to charity. It’s about having a long-term vision of what the Zahara Group stands for in Oman and internationally and we see helping the community as part of this. The participants of Al Mouj Muscat Marathon made their race more meaningful by dedicating it to a cause greater than themselves, with part of the proceeds from the 5km Run category going towards non-profit organizations of Environment Society of Oman, and Oman Diabetes Association.

When we asked the team to discuss their experience at the marathon, it was clear that they didn’t do it because they felt obliged by the company. It was a personal commitment to helping others. For us, this commitment is a very special thing and we believe it is this that will help us become one of the industry leaders in Oman. Running was purely voluntary and there is no compulsion from the organization. It is the sole decision of the employees. However, considering the benefits and the often sedentary lifestyle that we follow, we encourage more of our employees to take part in this annual event and live a healthy lifestyle.

This year, there were more than 12,000 runners from 103 countries who participated in the two-day mega running festival, organized at Al Mouj. We at The Zahara Group heartily supported this event both for its role in encouraging fitness and in supporting the Environment Society of Oman, and Oman Diabetes Association. Both of these non-profit organizations aim to make a positive difference in the community towards their individual causes- the Environment Society of Oman by raising awareness for the need to care for the natural environment, and the Oman Diabetes Association with their work regarding improving the health and well-being of people of Oman.

The Zahara Management extends its heartiest congratulation to all Zahara Runners for successfully completing their run in the respective running category, for which they enrolled.